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What is guarantee pay?

Guarantee Pay for assignments that ended early

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Written by Cloud Dentistry
Updated over 3 months ago

Guarantee pay ensures that if your booking, confirmed through our booking request system, is cut short and you're sent home earlier than scheduled, you're still compensated. Here’s how it works:

  • Eligibility: If you're released before completing your booked hours, you may qualify to be compensated for the scheduled hours, less one hour, as per our guarantee pay policy. If you are sent home before starting work, you are not eligible for guarantee pay, however, you may be eligible for "turn away pay".

    • If you arrive 15 minutes or more late to your assignment, you forfeit your eligibility for guarantee pay and turn away pay since this can greatly impact the office schedule.

  • Reporting Issues: If there is a discrepancy in payment you received from the office, please contact Cloud Dentistry Member Services directly, unless the payment terms are "W2 Only."

    • If the payment terms are "W2 Only," you will need to contact the office directly.

    • If your assignment is not "W2 Only," to continue with a payment discrepancy, take a photo of the payment or check and email it within 30 days of the booking. This allows us to handle the matter discreetly and efficiently. If the assignment is a Cloud Direct Pay (CDP) assignment, the reason for the short day will need to be provided on the timesheet at the time of upload. Processed CDP assignments will not be eligible for back-pay guarantee pay for incomplete timesheets.

      • On the timesheet, the “Why did this assignment end early” question MUST be completed in order to qualify for guaranteed pay.

Reimbursement Process: Any compensation due under the guarantee pay will be processed through our direct pay system—this means you’ll receive funds directly into your bank account rather than by check. To facilitate this, ensure your banking details and W-9 form are updated on your profile. A linked bank account is essential for the withdrawal of funds.

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