It's free to create an account and search professionals on our platform.
When you're ready to start working with the professionals in our network, simply upgrade to a paid subscription to unlock access to direct messaging, unlimited job postings, and access to your job applicants. A subscription plan also includes on-demand booking of temps, and unlimited part and full-time hires.
Benefits of a Cloud Dentistry Subscription:
Unlimited job postings
View applicants for your job postings
Unlimited direct messaging with professionals on the platform
On-demand booking of temps
Unlimited part and full-time hires
Ability to book dental professionals open to externships
Subscription pricing is determined based on your office location and the length of the office subscription
In addition to our subscription plans, office accounts can select additional add-ons, including:
Office photo gallery feature: For only $10/month, office profiles can showcase their exam rooms, procedure rooms, waiting areas, staff lounges, and building exterior to professionals, which creates a more appealing job post. The office photo gallery is free for Office users subscribed for 6+ months.
How Does Cloud Dentistry Make Money?
Cloud Dentistry is not a typical staffing agency - meaning we do not charge placement, agency, or buyout fees from offices. We also don’t charge an additional fee for temporary or part-time bookings for professionals. Dental professionals do not pay to use our platform, or to attend Continuing Education (CE) courses.
Cloud Dentistry’s business model generates revenue through monthly subscriptions from office accounts. Additional add ons - including office photo galleries - also are part of our business model.